Sunday, November 29, 2009

'a priori' Compilation No.2

I've decided to put together a second issue of the 'a priori' zine, which will be available to download free from the site thats currently in the works. With regards to the sleptember post; work is in progress and ideas are changing it should be ready to go very soon though. There will be two sites now, one for the zine and the other will be some hurrendous hybrid of many things... Watch this space or don't. Should be putting up some more work soon too. I need to rob a scanner shop...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Slept Ember

I'm currently working on a new site which will more than likely be entitled Slept Ember. It will be an open, ever changing area where I will show my work along with other things I'm passionate about like my friends, their work and DIY counter culture. There will be links to related sites, reveiws and a place where people can write their views on things they find interesting. This blog will be linked to it. I'm trying to stay away from standerdised models. HTML is an uphill battle and it gives me the shakes...
More info soon...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

MakeAndDoSociety 'TETRIS' Exhibition

Our exhibition, TETRIS, is debuting on thursday, April 30th 2009. It will run for seven days. It will also be part of the Riverfest Festival in Limerick.


Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet. Birds go tweet.